So today I feel like talking about how smart my little man is. He amazes me everyday. There are all kinds of types of autism. Some kids never say a word. Some can't stop talking.
I first felt that there was something different about Blake when he was just under a year. He would rock back and forth on the couch for hours. I had read something in a newspaper about autism and rocking so I took him into my family doctor to have him checked out and all they said was that he was fine and healthy. I wasn't convinced but I am a worry-wort so I just kept an eye on him.
About 6 months later he started saying a few words. Not many. His first word was "nice" because I was always telling him to "be nice" to our cat, Jack. He developed a few more words. Maybe around 8-10 or so. I knew he was a bit behind but everyone kept telling me boys talk later and kids develope at different rates. I know it happened in the summer. Blake was 18 months and he just stopped talking. Wouldn't say a word. He had his own little language. He would talk in the bathtub but not words you or I could understand.
I had taken him to Munchkinland for some play time and by talking to one of the facilitaters there she recommended I take him to see a speech pathologist at the FRA (family resource association) here in town. So I filled out the paperwork, handed it in and waited. They contacted me and did a interview on the phone and decided I should bring him in. I finally got into see them a week before my scheduled c-section with Garrett. There are ALOT of waiting periods when your child needs evaluation. Tim, his speech pathologist, said it was good that I had brought him in so early.
ANYWAY, the kind of autism he has would be considered high-functioning. This means he talks (ALOT) and at times can seem totally normal. Infact he knew his whole alphabet by age two, he can count to ten, list all the shapes and colours. He loves to learn. Now he has begun to put letters together and makes words. Well, he puts random letters together and tells me he spelled cat or dog. Recently he just started calling me mommy. So cute! I have been waiting a long time to hear that. Anyway, that`s all I have time for today. I am hoping when I take him into Superstore today, he won`t freak out. Thanks for listening :)
So cute! He's smart-- and I can't wait until Hud can call me Mommy.. I'm trying, but he just giggles when I say "Momma"... oh boys!